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Projects About Me
RUSSELL L. (Russ) ANDERSSON grew up in the Valley Forge area, and currently resides there again after many years in central New Jersey. Russ received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania, with a dissertation entitled ``Real-Time Expert System to Control a Robot Ping-Pong Player'' (published as a book by the MIT Press). He worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories, becoming a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Interactive Computing Systems Research Department, Holmdel and Murray Hill, NJ.
At Autonomous Effects (Mountain View, CA), he developed SceneGenie, a large suite of plugins to 3ds max, Discreet's 3-D animation program. Among its capabilities, it included a no-measurement camera match-move solution that was used in numerous television, film, and commercial projects. It also included a novel generalized inverse-kinematics approach that permitted many different live-action/CGI integration problems to be set up and solved by largely non-technical users using a non-procedural approach. He spent several years at Intellifit (Philadelphia, PA), developing a radar-based 3-D system for extracting body measurements used to adjust apparel grading rules and select appropriate garment sizes. He also developed an advanced application to generate custom apparel markers (patterns) given customer measurements. Russ founded Andersson Technologies LLC to develop and bring to market advanced vision-based technologies, initially for the post-production industry. Russ's interests include visual effects, real-time computer vision, virtual reality, high-performance computer design, and intelligent robot control. His work on real-time vision concentrates on 3-D and watching people, with applications in TV and movie visual effects, virtual reality, video games, entertainment, and videoconferencing. Many of his projects have involved not only systems and software, but also designing and building custom high-performance computer hardware for vision and robot control, including custom integrated circuits and high-performance CISC, RISC, and VLIW processors. Consequently he has had experience with a variety of techniques for high-performance distributed computing. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi.